Keratosis Pilaris

Absolute Dermatology & Skin Cancer Center
Dermatologists & Dermatopathologists located in Glen Allen, VA & Chesterfield, VA
Keratosis Pilaris, or ‘chicken skin’, are the tiny bumps commonly found on the backs of the upper arms, the tops of the thighs and on the cheeks of younger patients. If you would like to discuss your KP and the treatment options, schedule an apointment with one of our providers at Absolute Dermatology & Skin Cancer Center.
Keratosis Pilaris Q & A
What is Keratosis Pilaris?
Keratosis Pilaris describes tiny rough bumps, particularly common on the upper arms and tops of thighs of teens and adults and occasionally the cheeks of children. It is caused by an accumulation of dead skin cells around the hair follicles. They tend to be asymptomatic, however they can become inflamed if manipulated and can be bothersome cosmetically.
What causes KP?
Keratosis Pilaris is a genetic condition, meaning it is inherited and not something that can be cured, making treatment a life-long commitment. Drier skin represents increased dead skin cells on the surface, leading to a larger accumulation at hair follicles- more and larger bumps.
Can it be treated?
These bumps can be managed and improved, but not cured. There are several over-the-counter creams and lotions with lactic acid, salicylic acid, urea. Any topical will require diligent application or the bumps will return.
Does it ever go away?
Typically, people grow out of these bumps on the cheeks. However, they are more persistent on the arms and legs.
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