Skin Disorders Specialist

Absolute Dermatology & Skin Cancer Center
Dermatologists & Dermatopathologists located in Glen Allen, VA & Chesterfield, VA
Skin disorders can look unsightly, be embarrassing, or in some cases, indicate skin cancer. At Absolute Dermatology & Skin Cancer Center in Glen Allen and Chesterfield, Virginia, William Gillen, MD, Patricia O’Connor, MD, and their experienced team treat lumps, bumps, and rashes in patients of all ages. Call either Richmond-area office to schedule an appointment or send us a message to book an appointment on our contact page.
Skin Disorders Q & A
What are skin disorders?
Skin disorders are abnormal growths, spots, or other skin problems that bother. They could be the sign of a more serious skin problem, such as cancer. If you notice an unusual lesion, lump, bump, or rash, see the Absolute Dermatology & Skin Cancer Center team for evaluation and treatment.
What are the different types of skin disorders?
If you have a skin disorder, you might notice the following:
Various skin problems you may encounter include warts, skin tags, cysts, and other lesions. While often lumps and bumps aren’t medically concerning, they can be unsightly or make you feel embarrassed. Occasionally bumps that don’t heal or are symptomatic can represent skin cancer.
Most moles are benign, but some can be atypical and occasionally, they can be irritating. For these reasons, a dermatologist may need to remove a mole to ensure it is safe, or can remove it for you if it is irritating or unsightly. Mole removal is a simple, noninvasive procedure at Absolute Dermatology & Skin Cancer Center.
Rashes develop for many reasons, sometimes indicating an internal, systemic disease, and other times from an external exposure. Psoriasis and eczema are systemic diseases while allergic reactions and infections are the result of the skin’s contact with insults. Rashes are notoriously confusing, so see Absolute Dermatology & Skin Cancer Center experts if you have a rash that doesn’t go away.
Eczema is dry, scaly skin that might feel itchy and uncomfortable, or embarrass you. It can also increase your risk of developing a skin infection as eczematous skin is a broken barrier to these dangers and irritants.
Acne is a common skin problem in patients of all ages. It consists of pimples, whiteheads, or blackheads and can have lasting scars. It is often embarrassing and uncomfortable and can be so for years to come if it's left untreated.
Scars can occur because of acne or an injury. Treatment with specialists at Absolute Dermatology & Skin Cancer Center can reduce the appearance of scars, including keloids, or raised scars.
Rosacea most often leads to visible blood vessels and redness in your face. You might also experience swelling of facial features in addition to red bumps, pustules, or eye irritation.
Skin cancer
Skin cancer can present as abnormal skin spots, moles, bumps, or lumps. Early detection and fast treatment offer you the best outcome.
How are skin disorders diagnosed?
The team at Absolute Dermatology & Skin Cancer Center diagnoses skin disorders after examining your skin and talking about your medical history and symptoms. They might also take a skin biopsy to make a final diagnosis or rule out skin cancer.
How are skin disorders treated?
The skin disorder treatment that’s right for you depends on the condition you have and its severity. The Absolute Dermatology & Skin Cancer Center dermatology team offers:
- Oral and topical medications
- Chemical peels
- Excision
- Mohs surgery
- Curettage and electrodesiccation
- Cryotherapy
Don’t live with lumps, bumps, and rashes that feel uncomfortable or embarrassing. Schedule an appointment with Absolute Dermatology & Skin Cancer Center by phone or send us a message to book an appointment on our contact page.
References and Resources:
Skin Cancermore info
Hidradenitis Suppurativamore info
Hyperhidrosismore info
Ear Piercingmore info
Keratosis Pilarismore info
Mohs Surgerymore info
Skin Disordersmore info
Injectablesmore info
Chemical Peelsmore info
Acnemore info
Eczemamore info
Psoriasismore info
Rosaceamore info
Melasmamore info
Actinic Keratosismore info
Mole Removalmore info
Wartsmore info
Skin Cancer Treatmentmore info
Hyperpigmentationmore info
Melanomamore info
Basal Cell Carcinomamore info
Squamous Cell Carcinomamore info
Scar Treatmentmore info
Cystmore info
Scaling Scalpsmore info
Itchingmore info
Toenail Fungusmore info
Hair Lossmore info
Age Spotsmore info
CO2 Laser Resurfacingmore info
Keloidsmore info
Skin Tagsmore info
Excel Vmore info